Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Raise Minimum Wage or Set Gas Prices?

I have gotten many opinions on this, I discussed with three others who have jobs and own vehicles. Two of them agree that setting a price for gas would be more beneficial. This I agree with, a minimum wage increase would increase the cost of living because the workers are being paid more per hour. If wages were raised the gas would rise as well and continue to. If the gas price was fixed wages wouldn't have to go up or down unless specific skills were demanded. Other say if minimum wage goes up we could pay for gas easier. However not a strong argument because there are too many if factors. If gas gets set, people could account for that out of their minimum wage with precision. Which in fact would be beneficial to any budget because a balanced budget is tough to maintain with unexpected factors, like if gas went up. If minimum wage went up, gas would as well and nothing would be solved. Everything would increase in price and the government would suffer recession because they couldn't keep up with rising prices.

Monday, December 2, 2013

American Entrepreneur Research

Hey I'm back with yet another Econ Assignment about an American Entrepreneur. I chose to do P.T Barnum, the circus mediator.

   03.01 American Entrepreneur
PT. Barnum
Phineas Taylor Barnum grew up in BethelConnecticut where in his early twenties became a small-business owner. Shortly after he founded a weekly newspaper, Barnum relocated to New York City in 1834. Here, his entertainment career took off with a variety group of singers called, Barnum's Grand Scientific and Musical Theater. With that on his hands he soon purchased the Scudder's American Museum, which he renamed after himself. Barnum used the museum as a platform to promote hoaxes and human curiosities. As the son of inn keeper, tailor and store-keeper Philo Barnum and second wife Irene Taylor, he was also the third great grandson of Thomas Barnum, the immigrant ancestor of the Barnum family in North America. His maternal grandfather Phineas Taylor was a Whig, legislator, landowner, justice of the peace, and lottery schemer, and he had a great influence on his favorite grandson. Barnum was adept at arithmetic but hated physical work due to his smallish size and his upbringings. He loved to use his mind over the minds of others. Phineas was actually part of not only the world’s history with his Circus but also a part of mine. P.T, if I am not mistaken, married one of my great, great… (Etc) aunts. Therefore he is not only important to many other families, but is a member of mine. He Harnessed his dream not long after hitting adulthood by leaving his hometown and left for the entertainment of millions of people. He never thought it would turnout like it did. He didn't think of how challenging it was going to be. He was working since twelve and started building up money and constant success throughout his years by Underestimating the roadblocks. He then joined forces with James A. Bailey and James L. Hutchinson and they soon became “P.T Barnum’s greatest show on Earth, And the Great London Circus, Sanger’s Royal British Menagerie and The Grand International Allied Shows United.” Eventually this name was simplified into, “Barnum and London Circus.”
The site I got my information from was and my other source was my own family history. 

Tuesday, November 5, 2013


Hey whats up Y'all, Its me Alli! I am posting today for a class i am taking online at my school. An Economics class, I am blogging this because its an option in presenting so I thought, Why not?" 
Okay so I had to come up with an investment plan in such a way. I'm not sure how I did, but if you have an suggestions then please give them. I am open to all ideas! 

3 Investments:
One of the three investments I thought would be best for a money conservative would be Mutual Fund. There is a limit to deposits and your money isn't all on just one company. Therefore there is a better chance of you getting some money rather than losing it all. My less risky option would be investing in a Money Market Account. Keeping check of spending and having money in the account all the time for requirement would help me keep money in all the time, therefore saving more. My last and most of all risky of the investments would be in stocks, where you invest in one company and have a chance of getting more money back if the company goes well. The benefits of these investments are gaining money in three different ways, One aggressively but could crash. One conservative but fallout could be relevant. And another at a low risk that almost always assures to stay functional only by keeping a certain amount in the account. I have a low risk factor to high, meaning one way or the other (at least in my eyes.)


I would actually be one of the people to help out my family and close friends with this amount of money (25,000). To pay off bills and use it for certain life necessities instead of stocks or some other type of investment plan. But if I must I would evenly diversify my investments, it would be between Money Market, Mutual Funds and Stocks. These investments are broad in terms of how risky my investments would be. It could be super easy to save on one end and on the other, a beyond risk. 

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

We Will Fight or We Will Fall. Til the Angels save us all!

Mr. President. I think there is something you should hear! Someone get this to OBAMA!!!!!!! This speaks for my generation and all generations after me. Society has tainted the innocence but have not killed it. Everything we have fought for has been smashed so he can have his vacations and lemonade. We are truly damned until we are Saved by the only one can saved the damned souls. We will not fall to our knees to men like you Mr. President. We will make this country the UNITED States once again. You have sunk us to our knees but we will we always do. We will fight BECAUSE we have heart.

Friday, September 27, 2013


Manipulating the Earth for better and for worse? What do you think that Christopher Scott was getting to with this piece? Was it emotional for you? What does this mean to you and how does it strike you? Can you feel the energy in their movements? What do you feel the guys were reaching for? What is the story behind the story?

Thursday, September 19, 2013

How Do You Know?

For my first post i am touching on a subject that may seem unorthodox to some but convincing and compelling to others. For many years we have used the words Myth, made up and impossible. But how can you speculate that something is not real just because you haven't seen it with your own eyes. That's like saying Wolves don't exist because you haven't seen one yourself in person and only in movies and T.v. What if the person next to you is hiding some strange shape shifting secret? Maybe they can make things happen just by thinking it. I feel as if i have a certain sixth sense. A sense of energy negative and positive. Call it what you will, Real or Delusion. However. How can you say i would be completely wrong? What proves either of us right? What proves either of us wrong? I have seen with my own eyes, weather you believe me or not, anomalies that i still cant explain because i believe that everything is possible until you can prove it to be impossible. What do you think? Are theses mythological things impossible and if so, how do you know? If you have experience anything strange or supernatural that has happened. Share you story for you're not alone. None of us are. 
